
Reckless driver causes multiple injuries, 1 death in Moab case

Posted on February 13, 2020

When a driver isn’t behaving safely, they’re not just putting themselves in danger. They’re threatening anyone who is around their vehicle, too.

It’s unfair that a single person’s negligence or reckless behavior should lead to serious injuries or death, but it happens all the time. Take, for example, this case out of Moab. According to the local police chief, a local pastor, 45, was killed when a truck that was speeding and driving dangerously in the center lane entered an intersection and collided with his vehicle. A third vehicle was also struck at that time.

The truck had been fleeing during a police chase. Those involved claimed that speeds may have exceeded 100 mph at one point, showing just how dangerous the driver was being.

The police allege that the driver attempted to climb out of his vehicle following the crash and had to be taken to the hospital for evaluation. The victims in the other vehicles included the 45-year-old pastor who passed away, his 10-year-old child who suffered critical injuries and a 30-year-old woman who was rushed to the hospital to give birth a month before her due date. Her child was born by C-section with trauma-related injuries.

In this case, the driver was charged with two felonies as well as eight additional infractions. He faces charges including manslaughter and criminal mischief.

It’s always a shame when a person loses their life in an accident like this one. It’s additionally traumatic that multiple people were involved and several badly hurt. Fortunately, the families of those who are hurt or killed can pursue a claim, so they can seek fair compensation for everything that has taken place.