
What is Spondylosis and How is it Caused?

Posted on January 18, 2023

The years take a toll on the human body as our cells lose the ability to regenerate effectively. Not only is this decline shown in the lines on the face but also in the pain and stiffness of bones and joints. One of the most prominent places this stiffness reveals itself is in the degeneration of discs in the spine, including the neck and lower back. Spondylosis is the age-related degeneration of the discs and vertebrae of the spine, typically most noticeable in the neck or lower back. Over 60% of people 60 years old and older have some degree of spondylosis resulting from the dehydration and shrinkage of discs over time which makes movement more difficult and sometimes painful. These symptoms also leave individuals with spondylosis more vulnerable to injury in car accidents and falls.

Symptoms of Spondylosis

Despite spondylosis occurring frequently in aging individuals, many people remain largely unaware of the progress of degeneration, especially in thoracic spondylosis compared to cervical and lumbar types. Others may experience symptoms such as the following:

  • Pain in the neck or lower back
  • Grinding feeling when moving the neck
  • Headaches
  • Weakness and numbness in the shoulders, arms, and hands for cervical spondylosis, or in the lower back, feet, and toes for lumbar spondylosis
  • Stiffness 
  • Balance problems
  • Trouble with bowel or bladder control
  • Muscle spasms in the lower back
  • Sciatica
  • Pain in the buttocks
  • Trouble walking or sitting for long periods of time

As spondylosis worsens, sufferers may develop bone spurs at the edges of the vertebrae in the body’s natural effort to strengthen the spine. Unfortunately, this can worsen the above symptoms.

Spondylosis may be worse in those with lifetime jobs that require repetitive movement or frequent lifting and bending.

What Exacerbates Spondylosis?

Supporting the weight of the body as the discs and vertebrates lose flexibility causes spondylosis to naturally develop over time. However, many people don’t notice the symptoms or have very few symptoms. Unfortunately, certain types of trauma may cause further damage to spines that are vulnerable due to their ongoing degeneration. Accidents that may significantly worsen problems related to spondylosis include the following:

A serious injury combined with spondylosis can significantly increase the damage caused by degeneration in the neck and back. Worsened pain and stiffness, severe neck and back pain, and even disabilities may result from an accident occurring to a person with spondylosis. When this injury occurs due to the fault or negligence of another party, the victim deserves compensation for their damages.

Treatment for Exacerbated Symptoms of Spondylosis

There are many non-surgical treatments for spondylosis that can be highly effective. Common treatment options include:

  • Physical therapy
  • Medications
  • Injections
  • Exercise

In other cases, surgery may be the best option. Arthroplasty is a surgery that may help minimize pain and increase mobility.

Monetary Damages Related to Accidents for Those With Spondylosis

When an older individual with spondylosis suffers an injury that worsens the damage they experience economic and non-economic damages. These include:

  • Medical expenses for treatment
  • Lost wages and future lost income
  • Lowered earning potential
  • Pain and suffering

People who suffer worsened symptoms and disability due to the action or inaction of another deserve compensation for their damages.