

Get Out And Vote

Posted on November 12, 2012
Sometimes it seems like the political season never ends. Right now, there are several key races going on in the state. Signs have been put up and your mailbox is probably full of mailers from different candidates. I believe our local elections are very important and directly impact our lives. During this primary election...
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Move Over For Law Enforcement

Posted on November 12, 2012
The Salt Lake Tribune is reporting that a Utah Highway Patrol trooper was struck by a “utility type truck” while standing outside of his patrol car investigating another traffic accident. Apparently, UHP Cpl. Todd Johnson sustained “serious trauma” to his left arm. You can link to the story here. The accident occurred near the...
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Nov Underinsured Motorist Coverage

Posted on November 12, 2012
CAR WRECK ATTORNEY INSIGHTS: UNDERINSURED MOTORIST COVERAGEOften when I discuss insurance coverage with my clients, I hear them say things like, “Don’t worry, I have full coverage.” For a car wreck attorney, this doesn’t begin to answer the question. I’m more interested in knowing how much insurance coverage you have. Particularly, one of the...
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Supreme Court Upholds The Affordable Care Act

Posted on November 12, 2012
In one of the most highly anticipated rulings in recent history, the Supreme Court has upheld the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. Obviously, this decision has huge implications for almost everyone. The court understood the high stakes and held an historic three days of oral argument back in March. Since then, the talking heads...
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Toyota Class Action Suit To Start With Utah Case

Posted on November 12, 2012
The first lawsuit to go to trial in a massive class action against Toyota Motor Corp. over acceleration problems that led the company to recall 14 million cars will involve a crash that killed two people in western Utah, a federal judge said Friday.U.S. District Judge James Selna told attorneys the case of 38-year-old...
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Upcoming Book Review: Unsafe At Any Speed

Posted on November 12, 2012
For many, Ralph Nader is the quadrennial third-party/independent presidential candidate. For others, he’s the man who cost Al Gore the election in 2000 (or it was the Supreme Court, depending on what side you’re on). For decades before that, he was a consumer advocate who came on the scene with his 1965 book, Unsafe...
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