

Recent Success Story

Posted on September 30, 2013
At Handy & Handy, we have successes every day. Our successes come in different magnitudes. We gauge our success on one thing, helping our clients. Sometimes, it is achieving a great result for a client at the end of the journey of their claim. Other times, it is obtaining much needed benefits at crucial...
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Car2go: Exploring The Liability And Insurance Ramifications

Posted on April 8, 2013
I continue to be interested in the ways technology is changing the way we get around. In previous blog posts I’ve discussed ride-sharing apps as well as Google’s driverless vehicle. While new technologies have made these innovations possible, I fear that old-fashioned concepts of liability and insurance are not being fully considered by the...
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Using Arbitration To Resolve Car Accident Injury Claims

Posted on March 21, 2013
Within the last few years, Utah’s Rules of Civil Procedure have undergone a major face lift. The main idea behind the changes was to provide some “proportionality” in the way cases are litigated. So, the amount of discovery and time spent on a case should be commensurate with the value of the case. If...
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More On Who’S Liable For A Driverless Car Accident

Posted on March 8, 2013
Today NPR reported on the issue of who’s liable when a driverless car is involved in an accident. The NRP story touches on a lot of the issues that I mentioned in my previous blog post. It’s a good story and adds some perspective to what I have already disucssed. If you have a...
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If A Driverless Car Crashes, Who’s Liable? Listen· 5:02 5:02 Queue

Posted on March 8, 2013
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If A Driverless Car Crashes, Who’s Liable?

Posted on March 8, 2013
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