Who is liable if a dog bites?
Dogs are often called “man’s best friend,” so most people assume every canine is friendly. However, some dogs are scared due to previous abuse or feel threatened even when one doesn’t exist, and it can cause them to lash out in the only way they know how: biting. A dog bite can cause serious...
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Can You Be Ticketed For Not Wearing Your Corrective Lenses While Driving?
Did you know that if you have a corrective lens restriction on your driver’s license you will be ticketed if you are pulled over and are not wearing your glasses or contacts? In fact, in some states, you might even face time in jail. To find out your state regulations for wearing glasses or...
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How to Avoid Personal Injuries During the Holidays
Decorating your home can be one of the highlights of the holiday season but it can also be the cause of serious injury if you are not careful. Emergency rooms see thousands of injuries that result from holiday decorating and 12% of decorative candle related home fires occur in the month of December. Here...
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Slope Safety for Skiers and Snowboarders
Skiing and snowboarding are some of Utah’s most cherished recreational activities. But they can also be dangerous. Skiing and snowboarding accidents happen all the time, it’s just a part of the game. Sometimes, those accidents can cause injuries that are not your fault. In these cases, you may be entitled to some compensation. Handy...
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Counterfeit Airbags
Some startling news is out today that if you’ve had your airbag replaced in the last three years and if the work was not performed by a car dealer, the airbag may be a counterfeit. Various new outlets are reporting about this issue which could have serious consequences in a car accident. Of course,...
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Handy Law advice on how to defend yourself against an animal attack.
Consider this scenario for a moment. You are walking home, after a long day’s work when you notice that on the sidewalk is a dog walking toward you weirdly, baring it’s teeth. You begin to back away, and then run. BAM! The dog chases you, knocking you to the floor. What do you do?In...
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