

Is There a Pattern of Abuse of Power With Police Dogs In Salt Lake City?

Posted on October 21, 2020
Dogs are considered man’s best friend, but they are not only used to serve as a companion in the home. Dogs are also used in a working capacity, whether it is as a guide, emotional support or in law enforcement. This means that canines are trained to act and behave in certain ways in...
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5 Hazardous Places That Could Lead To A Fall

Posted on July 17, 2020
Everyone has suffered an embarrassing fall at one time or another, but sometimes these falls are more than just embarrassing. Some cases of slip-and-falls result in serious injury and sometimes they can be attributed to more than just clumsiness. Where Do Most Falls Take Place? While these types of falls can happen just about...
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Popular alpine skiing has a high risk of injury

Posted on June 24, 2020
Most people look forward to spending the winter months indoors where they can look forward to warm and dry conditions. Some other people prefer to use the opportunity to take to the slopes for skiing. While alpine skiing continues to grow in popularity around the world, so do the associated injuries. Becoming aware of these...
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Get The Right Help When You’Re Hurt In A Slip-And-Fall Incident

Posted on March 13, 2020
No one wants to think about getting hurt. Most people go through their day-to-day lives thinking about their futures and the plans that they have. They don’t often consider how those plans would change if they were suddenly injured or disabled. Injuries can happen anywhere, and when they do, your life could drastically change....
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What do I need to know about Statutes of Limitation?

Posted on February 28, 2020
The statute of limitations for personal injury claims varies from state to state, from case to case and from state to federal court. Failure to understand and meet these important procedural deadlines can be the cause for a case to be thrown out. It’s important to consult with a personal injury attorney to help...
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Can poor lighting lead to a premises liability claim?

Posted on January 28, 2020
Have you ever been in a store that just didn’t have good lighting? Maybe a light burned out, or perhaps they were not installed in order to save energy. Whatever the truth is, if you’ve been hurt because of poor lighting, it’s nothing that you can laugh about. Inadequate lighting can (and does) lead...
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