

Vehicle Recalls And Personal Injury

Posted on April 28, 2016
Vehicle recalls can happen to a number of products in a car at anytime: airbags, seat belts, windshields, etc. Usually a company will make a public announcement of what product is being recalled. Those who own a recalled product should check with their dealer or car manufacturer. If you end up being injured by...
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Pregnancy And Car Accidents

Posted on March 28, 2016
So it’s your first baby and you are so nervous and so excited for the new experience. However in your day-to-day routine you are driving and are rear ended. Your first thoughts go to the safety of your unborn child. Here are some things to keep in mind as you are coming out of...
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Taxes on Personal Injury

Posted on February 26, 2016
Getting in an accident is never expected and can cause claims where personal injury compensation is given. With this money given it is important to keep in mind Uncle Sam and the IRS. Taxes are due on April 15th, with that in mind it is important to know what is taxable from your personal...
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How Toxic Mold Is a Problem In the United States

Posted on December 11, 2015
Toxic mold continues to be a problem across the U.S. in homes and offices. Mold can be very dangerous, leading to all sorts of health problems. Some of the effects of mold exposure include respiratory complications, fungal infections, hypersensitivity, and in extreme cases, even death. Here are a few common situations in which toxic...
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Utah Personal Injury Laws

Posted on July 16, 2015
Did you know that personal injury laws differ across the United States? Here are some important things to know about personal injury law in Utah. 1. Statute Of Limitations The statute of limitations, which refers to the time you have to file a case in court, is one of the many things that differs...
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Guide To Personal Injury Settlements

Posted on June 4, 2015
95% of personal injury cases are settled out of court so there’s a good chance your personal injury claim could end in settlement as well. Our personal injury lawyers in Salt Lake City put together this simple guide to help you get the most out of your settlement. WHAT IS A SETTLEMENT? A settlement...
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